Building cooperation on key issues and initiatives leading up to and beyond the UN Summit of the Future.
Recognition of ecocide as an international crime and granting jurisdiction of this crime to the International Criminal Court through amendment of the Rome Statute.
ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Obligations of States in Respect of Climate Change – taking the issue of climate change to the world’s highest court.
Advancing principles and practices of Earth Trusteeship, including through re-purposing the UN Trusteeship Council to provide better governance of the global commons.
Promoting negotiations of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty that will manage a global fossil fuel phase out in a way that is fast, fair and financed.
Establishing 30% of the world’s oceans as fully protected marine reserves by 2030.
Building accountability and civil society engagement in the selection of the world’s most important position – the job of UN Secretary-General.
Establishing an elected parliamentary assembly of the United Nations to build democratic participation and accountability into UN decision-making.